Frank W Fox is not a conservative person.

Bob Curtis From an LDS scholar in Az-It has been brought to my attention that this BYU professor has given his treatise on why Joe Biden is the “clear choice”, addressing his letter with “Brothers and Sisters.”

I usually like to avoid using my exact religion as a justification for my political opinions, but as long as we’ve been invited to consider his points, I will do so openly. You can see his comments here if you wish…

1. The professor claims to be a “Conservative Republican.” No, he is not. No conservative could ever support Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. They could refuse to vote for a Republican, yes, but they would NOT support anyone as far to the left as those two.

2. The man insists on referring to our system of government as “Democracy.” The UK had Democracy when we broke away. Their Democracy was so strong, the Parliament beheaded a king just about 100 years before the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The founders broke away from a Democracy and made the US decidedly LESS Democratic, with a Congress that had nowhere near the power of Parliament, just as much as the President had nowhere near the power of the King. Now to address his points: 1. Donald Trump’s “Lies:’ Professor went straight for Godwin’s law comparing Donald Trump with his Jewish Grandbabies, to Adolph Hitler. Very astute and original, stunning and brave. Yes politicians lying is a hallmark of dictatorship. Politicians lying is a hallmark of EVERY. KIND. of Government. We rely on a free and open press for that. And Hitler drank water too. Polpot probably peed standing up. Mussolini had sex once or twice. Has Donald Trump lied? ABSOLUTELY. Mexicans are not paying for the wall, his inauguration was not that big, he DID ask JEB!!! to open a casino in Florida, he knows people and orgs that he said he doesn’t know the estimates of Joes Green Energy plan are about 90 trillion rather than 100 trillion. How do any of these lies affect your life? I can name a couple that affected mine, but most of y’all probably agreed with him on those, and they were hardly the worst offense against truth in my lifetime. President Obama lied on at least a 17 occasions saying that you could keep your doctor and healthcare plan. He said premiums would go down. Well a lot of you didn’t and they didn’t. Did Trump’s casino spat, his inauguration numbers, or flubbing the estimates on Joe’s extravagant environmental plan affect you and your fellow citizens more than having insurance rates triple? What about promising that the Patriot Act was just to track foreign terrorists? Snowden’s leaks proved those to be lies. Trump is leaning towards a pardon (I’d rather it were a commutation). I say atoning for that great lie covers a multitude of others. I dare anyone to find me a President in our lifetimes didn’t lie. I’ll be happy to make a liar out of you. 2. The next cliche almost doesn’t merit response, but I’ll oblige. It has to do with Trump preaching “fear and devisiveness.” And having a mindless mob that keeps Republicans in Congress beholden in sheer terror. This is probably one of the shallowest arguments, based on some myth that a good president is supposed to bring us into unity. Was Abraham Lincoln a uniting figure? I don’t think we’ve yet seen fear and division to the magnitude found in Lincoln’s time in office. But who is producing the fear? Who cannot stop with the endless Hitler comparisons. When, for instance, did Trump’s mindless mob heckle people at a restaurant? When did the MAGA people start riots? During the DNC convention, when did Republican voters accost Democrat Congressmen. Better yet, when did they accost elderly Dem voters in the streets with walkers, harry their way, and scream and throw things at them? Where has Trump’s “storm troopoers,” gone out of their way to disrupt a Democrat’s daily life. We are getting into 1984 territory when you can straightfacedly proclaim that the most violent and prolific political agitators since the Jim Crow era are agitating for the side that is against the “fear and divisiveness.” That Trump Supporters AT a TRUMP RALLY REACTED violently to agitators is documented, but offensively? nothing. IF this is a NAZI movement, the brown shirts really suck, and Herr Trump should ask for his money back.

3. He alleges that Mr. Trump has found himself above the law. Very poignant lack of awareness in this statement given the current environment and contradicting to following statements. I must clarify that that is in spirit. Trump is a product of his environment as are most Americans, so he HAS in fact acted above the law as every other President after Calvin Coolidge has. How long have we signed continuing resolutions when the constitution requires a budget? Where was Roosevelt’s authority to round up Asian Americans and imprison them? Or to ban private gold ownership? Where is the constitutional authority to persecute Jewish Chicken Farmers in New York if their hen has a deformity for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES? Save you the trouble. It’s not there. Neither is setting up a retirement service, nor a medical one for the elderly (Roosevelt and Johnson), neither is sending soldiers into conventional conflict without a congressional declaration of war (Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Obama, Trump). Neither was allowing legal status for illegal aliens without congress (Obama). Neither was Federal Oversite of State education systems (Carter). ALL OF THESE THINGS, showed that all the presidents of the Progressive era feel they are above the law. Do you think the Korean War and Vietnam Wars and Domestic Spying are less of abuse of power than Trump’s obnoxious executive actions? Sending CPB to arrest Marxist agitators buring down buildings in Portland is worse than sending Feds to kill a family in Ruby Ridge or over a hundred people in WACO? In the age of Corona, when everyone who impeached him a month earlier wanted to hand him a sceptre and crown so that he could unilaterally shut the country down DOMESTICALLY, (even as they bleeted about his one legitimate power to shut out foreign travel) and imposed a nation wide mask ban like an emporer, he refused. That makes him LESS naturally disposed to abuse power than 90% of politicians in our lifetime, not more. Even if it was just for the economy, he showed restraint, which is better than the INGSOC folk we got running things elsewhere in both parties. That he has abused power is beyond dispute. But every president since Calivin Coolidge has done the same, and Trump is actually step back from the 1984 that we were creating. The fact that he GOT impeached is testament to the fact that he gets away with less than any POTUS in my lifetime, and in fact, he got impeached for questioning Joe Biden’s blackmail, so its a wash. 4. Professor went FULL 1984 NEWSPEAK by talking about the “overwhelming evidence” of Trump being in cahoots with Russia. I say Newspeak because he is accusing Trump of the very thing of which the opposition is guilty. His son did meet with a private Russian citizen about getting dirt on Hillary Clinton, just as Hillary PAID for a dossier of patently falsified information from the Russian Government, and his son ended up with nothing because she was merely there to push for Russian child adoption. Obama promised Medvedev (and ultimately Putin) that he’d have more “flexibility” to work with Russia after he won re-election and then told his opponent at the time when pressed “The 1980s called. They want their foreign policy back.” There is plenty of evidence that Russia was involved in the election to sow dischord, chaos and mistrust, but they played both the right and the left on that. They have been doing that for ages. Hunter Biden has likely accepted money from the first lady of Moscow, for who knows what. It has been buried in the news in a way that it would have been blasted had Eric or Don Jr. been implicated. Investigations have gone on for nearly the duration of POTUS’s first term and what are we left with? John Podesta fell for a phishing scam, and Eric Trump met with a Russian Adoption lady. If there is overwhelming evidence of POTUS’s involvement with Russia, you’d think Professor could have the decency to point to at least one. The story of the Russians paying the taliban….to do what the Taliban already does, killing US troops, is completely unprovable. Meanwhile, it is provable that Trump authorized SOCOM to kill over a hundred Russian Mercenaries in Syria. If that’s him carrying Putin’s water, there’s enough leaks in that bucket that he might as well try it with a fork. Since Trump’s inauguration, the reduction of forces in the middle and central east as well as our increased alliance with Poland has actually enabled us to be in a better position to possibly face Russia, and more importantly, China. If he was wanting to help Russia, helping Poland is a horrible way to go about it. His final point was the Rona, and how he has “failed to protect the American People.” He speaks of excuses. If Professor be a constitutional and historical expert, I want to know responsibilities. Who is in charge of domestic emergency response? Do our police, fire engines, and ambulences bear the markings of the Federal Government? Because if so, I think Professor needs to look at the constitution before he takes a step further. It is states who have a domestic police power, and if Trump should not be able to make the states open sooner, as he would like to do, what makes you think he had the authority to shut them down sooner than they would have liked? Ought he to have declared martial law in NY, RI, CN, PA and NJ which boasted the lion’s share of rona deaths so he could control it personally or ought we, as Americans trusted Federalism instead? Should he have controlled the hospitals, or more importantly, NURSING HOMES, at a FEDERAL LEVEL? What derangement makes you think THESE are the duties of the man who has his finger on the nuclear deterrent? The man professor is no advocating for howled and whaled when Trump exercised the ONE constitutional, federal power he actually had to close down the borders, and this virus which has killed less of our population per capita than it has many of the European 1st world countries, which are smaller than our states, and this is POTUS’s responsibility? When governors hostile to him are sending infected elderly into the nursing home and stacking bodies thus? No excuse sir. Sabatoge. In sum, Professor claims “I can scroll through every President from George Washington to Barrack Obama without finding a single instance (including Watergate) of misconduct on this scale.” And at this shallow, historically illiterate and hysterical statement I do not know whether to scoff or scream. The Trail of Tears? Wounded Knee? The resegregation of the Civil Service by Wilson for the first time since Reconstruction, the Japanese-American Internment? The creation of the National Recovery Administration, the use of the IRS to politically persecute PRIVATE CITIZENS, the spying on private citizens by the FBI both on the left in the 60s and on Candidate Trump and his allies now? And you cannot possibly think of a worse thing than saying mean, childish things from the bully pulpit and asking the Ukrainian POTUS to look into Joe Biden’s blackmail? My goodness, what a lack of depth perception. When I say shallow, this is it. To crown this unholy, superficial beatitude, professor makes a bet that most General Authorities will vote for Biden because they value “patriotism, truthfulness, justice, honor, decency and respect for the law.” I will not pretend to know what every General Authority speaks, but when you say you’re willing to bet your eternal salvation on it, I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ, to NOT speak such Damn Nonsense. You praise Biden for his “balance, for his wisdom, for his humanity, and more than anything else, for his power to heal,” Balance and wisdom? The man has committed plagiarism in many crucial points in his career. His power to heal? Does he have the priesthood? Saying that 15 percent of Americans are irredeemable, and shouting down, not his opponents, but regular Americans, his Americans, Democrats, who question his policies is healing. Promising to send Beto O’Rourke to violate the constitution and have men with guns go disarm Americans as though they were an enemy people is healing. I save your comment for decency the last, because this is the MOST offensive thing. The man openly fondles women in public. Things that people accuse Trump of due to things he’s said, you can find Biden do to women and girls in front of cameras. Even if that were disputable, his platform is not. Abortion on demand is not decent. If you want to bet your eternal salvation on Biden, I urge you to look at President Nelson’s talk on respecting the unborn, President Oaks’s talk “On the weightier matters,” President James Foust’s (D-Utah) talk “On the Sanctity of Life.” Finally look at the First Presidency Message from 1971 discouraging the legalization of abortion on demand. Biden is old and feeble and will likely give way to Kamala Harris who VICIOUSLY attacked a good Christian Man who exposed horrible abortion practices in California, using the prosecutorial power as a political weapon in the way Attorney General Bar has never done. She also arrested Parents for their children’s truancy and people who smoked marijuana, laughingly, a crime of which she was also guilty. The only person on any ticket who has not committed adultery as far as we know is Mike Pence, whom you gainsay as to the General Authorities. I will not dare speak for them, but I will speak for one Seventy that I know, at least in 2016, who voted for Trump on the strength of his judicial picks. Politicians come and go, but judges last, and for once in my lifetime, the 9th circuit is SURPRISINGLY REASONABLE. If you are a shadow of the Conservative you fraudulently claim to be you could appreciate that. Alma 10:27 “the foundation of the destruction of this people is beginning to be laid by the unrighteousness of your lawyers and your judges.” You KNOW what kind of judges Biden will want.

The Doctrine and Covenants says plainly that JESUS CHRIST Himself created the constitution through wise and prudent men, and He even gave us a method to perfect it through the amendment process. If you’re a historian, you know that progressives do NOT believe in the amendment process. They believe in a “living, breathing constitution, that evolves overtime.” Newspeak aside, they pick their judges to USURP the authority of the constitution and become a law unto themselves. If you are any kind of historian you should know what those kind of judges, many of them nominated by Republicans, will do to this country. How can you deny that Trump has had the LEAST unrighteous, the least power-hungry judges nominated in my lifetime OR yours. You can tell by how they are slandered, and how honestly they look to the constitution, rather than try to make a wishlist that they would like it to be. And the weightier matters of the law are justice. The new peculiar institution is the practice of killing fetuses for our convenience and escape from responsibility and you DARE call Biden “decent” and a “healer” when you KNOW he refuses to promise not to pack the court with leftists who will preserve the vile practice at any cost? To brush by this while accusing Trump of Hitlerism for his fibbing is truly to strain at gnats and swallow camels. If you call me brother, then I call upon you, brother, to repent, and refuse to see this blood, and the loss of the liberty of your people, on your hands.

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