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“And I say unto thee, quarantine thyself, live in dread and flee from the sick for thou art an American Christian.” – Ringo 12:36
“Obey civil magistrates who don’t give two flying craps about the Church” – Specious Doo 6:66
“Hey, if there’s a bad cold going around, stop meeting together, no more corporate gatherings, no more communion and singing and stuff” – Snafu 2:32
“Rejoice, for God has given thee a spirit of fear, timidity, selfishness, and paranoia”. Rosie 25:25
“When your conscience is telling you that the talking head on TV is full of more crap than a colicky baby’s diaper, stifle that voice, buy what they’re selling you, and ask for seconds”. Delbert 1:234.
“Don’t worry about culture and politics and don’t try to right this planet through evangelism and discipleship and the implementation of the biblical worldview because I’m about to blow up the globe and rescue my sad little church.” Talking Heads 17:16